The Klinic


Maison de Debauch

Make a Booking

About Mistress Inka
Paying a visit to Mistress Inka will be an experience never forgotten.
A lifestyle Dominatrix she excels in her profession and will take you down sensual paths illuminated by the your cries of agony tempered by whimpers of ecstasy.
Based in Edinburgh the Mistress can normally be found at her own Maison de Debauch dungeon in the heart of the city.
A specialist in many areas, the Mistresses also operates the dedicated Medical BDSM site, Inka Klinic.
This is an area of particular pleasure to Mistress Inka and her craftwork in the Maison’s dedicated Medical room is admired and has been experienced by many willing subjects.
Other areas of interest and services can be found on this site along with details of trips around the UK, Europe and the USA in the coming months.
The Mistress does not tolerate fools. Insolence will be met with silence. Respect at ALL times.
Contact her through any of the means on the booking page and plan ahead for an out of this world experience.